Benefits Helpful in relieving pain, anxiety and stress, fighting physical and mental depression.
How to Use
For stress relief and aromatherapy, diffuse or inhale 2–3 drops of turmeric essential oil.
For external use, including inflammation and pain relief...
Description :
, create a massage oil by diluting 5 drops of turmeric essential oil with 5 drops of a carrier oil (like jojoba or coconut oil) and apply it to areas of concern.
Essential Oil Safety Information
Do not use Essential Oils undiluted on your skin.
Some oils can cause sensitization or allergic reactions in some individuals, always do a skin patch test before using for the first time.
If you are pregnant you should consult your doctor before using any essential oils.
When using essential oils, use the smallest amount of essential oils that will get the job done.
Essential oils should be kept out of reach of children.
Essential oils should not be taken internally.
Please keep essential oils out of the way of fire hazards.